Monday, December 30, 2013

The Perfect Body

Every body is different. Different height, weight, and shape. And with everyone's different body types, there are many different ideas of the "perfect body" for them, which means different goals. Different goals mean different types of training. Sometimes people don't even care about a certain look, they're just training for other goals like running a marathon or 5K, being able to bench their bodyweight, or squat a certain amount. Sometimes they want to simply be able to play with their kids outside without getting worn out quickly.

The key is knowing how to train for the results YOU want. Sometimes you get lucky. Maybe you're just working out for your health, or to maintain strength or bone density. As a side effect you might start seeing your body change in a great way. I believe that's the best way to train. That way, if you're training for your health primarily, you're always excited by the side effects no matter how small the changes may be.

If you ARE training for weight-loss you need to know how to train for that. For example, if you've always been a runner, chances are that running will not help you in your quest. Your body is already accustomed to this method of training. You can still do cardio if you prefer, but you have to change it up with stairs or the rowing machine. If you're a lifter, like me, you're going to have to suck it up and get in some cardio (running, elliptical, stairs, or rowing). You may be able to skip it if you add in some high intensity lifting, like adding the use of kettlebells, ropes, or circuit training.

My ideal body looks like, UFC MMA fighter and bantam weight champion, "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey. She has the ability, in my opinion, to be a beast in the weightroom/octagon and a knockout on the red carpet. Just enough muscle without being hyper-masculine. To achieve my goals, I'm going to have to put more emphasis on making muscular gains for a while then add in cardio to cut some body fat to show off the flat abs, guns, and tree trunks for legs.

(Note: I know not everyone shares my idea of the perfect body. I wouldn't train others the way I train myself if they had other goals in mind.)

If you need help attaining your goals, comment here or reach out to me at You can also go to my website

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