Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sleep Is My Favorite

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love to sleep. I am queen of naptown. I regularly take the train to sleepville. I love sleep so much that I've even gotten myself a boyfriend who has a mild form of narcolepsy. My mother is always telling me that I'm wasting away the day and missing out on so much. Well I am here to argue the benefits of sleep!

I found an article through the National Strength & Conditioning association to back me up. It is entitled "Sleep, Recovery, and Athletic Performance: A Brief Review and Recommendations" by Stephen Bird, PhD, CSCS. I understand that the subjects for this study were elite athletes but the conclusions can be translated to anyone. The article suggests "7-9 hours (of sleep) to ensure adequate physiological and psychological recovery" and suggest that most of that sleep time come during the night. If you are unable to get adequate rest during the night, the article addresses taking a post lunch nap of about 30 minutes. The results of this study showed significantly improved performance, alertness, mood, and a decrease in sleepiness and fatigue.

I can honestly say that everyone is different. Some people only need that 7 hours, while others may need up to 10 (like me!). Just yesterday after only sleeping for 6 or 7 hours, I tried this 30 minute nap theory. I found one major flaw... If you are napping in the comfort of your bed at home, it significantly harder to get up after 30 minutes. I know that this theory works, however, because of my first internship. While at Dartmouth College in 2010, I worked most days from 5am to 8pm and lived 30 minutes away. This is when my boss introduced me to the under-the-desk nap. She and I would roll up yoga mats or our sweaters to use as pillows, and lay under our desks. She would set an alarm for 20-30 minutes, after which we'd get up and continue working. I never thought it would be enough but it was perfect. Its also much easier to get up off of the floor.

If you don't have the ability to curl up under your desk for whatever reason, your car is another option. Upon moving to Texas, I was forced to work more 12-16 hour days and lived too far to bother going home to nap. This is when I discovered car napping. Like many working Americans, I parked in a parking garage, so it was nice and dark. I would put on my big coat, lean the seat back and take that little 30 minute nap. Think about it. Its 30 minutes to close your eyes, rest your body/mind, and tune out the world. Give it a shot!

Here is another article found on that discusses the 35 Habits of the Most Productive People. Two items on the list were 1) Get more sleep, you'll get more done; and 2) Take naps when energy runs low.

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