Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays

What did you get for Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) this year? There are many families all over the world that can't afford much; however, almost everyone can afford physical activity. Playing with kids, walking your dog, going for a hike, walk or bike ride are all free or very inexpensive
 ways to stay active. 
Looking forward to New Years, many people will set New Years resolutions. I am personally not of fan of them because so many people, including myself, fall off the wagon quickly. We set our goals too high and when we fail to achieve them, we feel even worse. This year let's set a couple smaller, more attainable goals. Think about it. When you achieve something, the thrill of success makes us want to do even more. 
Soon I will be posting videos for little physical activity tips and tricks on YouTube. You can also go to if you're looking for a little more help with setting and reaching your fitness goals this 2014. 
My New Years plan is to continue working on eating healthy on a budget and practicing what I preach in the gym. I love to lift weights way more than cardio, so I will be trying to increase my cardio every couple weeks. Slow and steady wins the race. 

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