Monday, December 30, 2013

Eating Healthy on a Budget: Marathon Training

For those of you getting ready for a big endurance event, like a triathlon or a marathon, I have the perfect healthy/cheap recipe for you. This recipe is packed with good carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein.

Equipment Needed:
Pot (for spaghetti)
Skillet or Pan (for sautéing)

1 Container, Barilla whole wheat thin spaghetti
1/2c Olive Oil
1c Sun dried tomatoes (packed in oil), drained
1c Sweet Peppers, multiple colors, sliced
1 Habenero, chopped
1 Clove Garlic, minced
Parmesan cheese, to taste

Heat the oil in the pan/skillet over medium heat, add in the peppers. After a few minutes, break the spaghetti in half and begin boiling it in the pot. Next, add in the sun dried tomatoes and the habenero. When the spaghetti is nearly done, add the garlic to the peppers and tomatoes in the pan. Continue sautéing. When the spaghetti is done, strain it and add it to the peppers and tomatoes pan. Remove it from heat and toss the mixture to blend everything together. Serve and add parmesan to taste. ENJOY!

Nutrition Facts:
This carb load and healthy fats will be the perfect meal the night before a big run or other cardio intensive event!

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